Friday, December 10, 2010

So! I haven't posted much this semester so here is a quick rundown of how my artwork progressed up until the last critique work (in the gallery!)

At first, I was creating these books about gender, but they were pretty much without any sort of cohesive content, they were just objects, not very effective:

Then, for the mid-semester critique, I started working with the ideas of dolls, and created a fabric dolls, and these paper dolls. I am very interested in audience participation/interaction, and these paper dolls were too me, a way to 'play' with gender (obviously I was not very interested in the fabric dolls):

These are the page layouts for a booklet I handed out at the mid-semester critique. I included a narrative, but I wasn't completely happy with how I dictated the story or made one story.

Friday, September 3, 2010

This year I am doing a SMP, or a St Mary's Senior project, in studio art! Basically I spend the whole year working on an art project that I pick and is approved by the faculty. I wanted to work with low art, pieces seen as feminine or crafty, and how that interacts in a gallery and with the viewer. I am planning on working primarily with embroidery and books. Here's some of the projects I worked on this summer: